Friday, December 19, 2014

Santa Visits & More Holiday Parades

Two weekends ago was St. Nick's Day. The girls must have been good most of the time since their stockings were full. :)

We also went up to Cody to spend part of the weekend with friends of ours. The Buffalo Bill Museum was free on Saturday and they had Santa there for kids to visit with and an area to get cookies and drinks. It was a nice couple of hours spent.  Kylie barely talked to Santa and Sidney refused to look at him. Go figure. :) Kylie got to write a postcard to Santa and put it in a special mailbox.

I wrote a postcard for Sidney since she wanted nothing
to do with anything.....except putting the letter in the mailbox.

After the museum we hung out at our friends house and then that evening we went downtown for their Holiday of Lights parade. Lots of horses with jingle bells on them. It was awesome. Then we spent the night hanging out and we stayed at their place for the night. Our friends have a 2.5 year old and a 2 month old, so there was lots of yelling and squealing and fun going on. We had breakfast with them, hung out for a little while and then got on the road to come back home. It was a nice weekend away from Worland. :)

Sidney was terrified to leave the sidewalk for a little bit.
Even though we had spent the last 40 minutes wandering around the streets
since the whole downtown is barricaded off for the night. 

Blurry, but these horses were actually pulling little sleds with real kids in them.

Got a little braver as the parade progressed.

Sidney and baby Cooper

Kylie & baby Cooper

Sidney & Connor - - - I think we are
going to have to watch her when she gets older!

Last night was the Christmas party at Mike's office. They always have a Santa come so we thought it would be fun for the girls again. One of the fun things about Santa's visit is that he gives each of the kids a present. What the kids don't know (well, the young enough ones anyways) is that the parents actually wrap up and bring in a gift ahead of time. So the gift that Santa gives the kids is actually something that the kid wanted for Christmas. :)
Kylie was pretty excited when she opened hers. The things a 5 year old asks for.....sigh. :)
-I don't have pics of Sidney by Santa because she made me go up with her. She wouldn't sit on his lap, but she did touch him and maybe said one thing to him. :) Hope to get some pics of her visit from a lady at the office. :)

A princess calendar. :)

And Sidney got a Sofia the First look & find book.
It was a nice night and was good for us to get out of the house.
I have been dealing with some sort of upper respiratory thing for a week and I felt a little awkward there talking to people because I had lost my voice. And I sounded very funny. But on the plus side, I was on some antibiotics, so I was good to go! :)
Today I got my voice mostly back, but have developed a cough. Sure hope everything clears up soon. I'm done being sick. Done.
Kylie had her class party today and I was signed up to help. I got to make the treats, so I made some candy trees on pretzels, and handed out some glow sticks. Both were a big hit!
The kids got to play musical chairs, and once they were out they got to pick their book from their gift book exchange and then get their yummy snacks.
It was a very low key party, but they still had fun! Only bummer was that their teacher couldn't be there. She had a baby yesterday morning! A little boy around 4 AM Kylie told me. :) But at least it was a good excuse to miss the last 2 days of class. :)
Kylie is off for 2 weeks now and starts again on the 5th.
What am I going to do with 2 of them again!? :)
Hope you guys are all doing well and that you are ready for Christmas. I am excited to have nothing to do between now and when she has to be back to school. And we are all excited for Mike's parents to get here in a week and half!
We will miss all of you since we won't see you for the holidays though!
Spread some hugs and kisses around from all of us!

O Christmas Tree

Last Saturday we headed out to an area over by Meteetsee to look for a Christmas tree. We drove around for a little while and then found a place to get out and walk around looking for a tree. We found an OK one and walked around some more and found a second decent one. We thought we'd be able to find some better ones, so we got back in the car and kept driving. A couple hours later we decided to go back and get the first tree. :)

We got back there just as another family was getting out and ready to find a tree too. Thankfully they went the opposite direction of the tree we were after. :)

Too bad that one in the back is just a little too big, huh? :)

What a couple of cuties!

We tossed it on top of the car, ran to Meteetse to grab some lunch, then we drove through the elk unit quick to see if we could find them. No luck. 

We got home and got the tree in the house and then spent some time outside trying to clear up some of the flooding from all the melting snow in the yards. It was in the 50's last Saturday and in the 40's all last week. I thought it was going to be a very brown Christmas, but thankfully this week we got a few inches of snow and we are suppose to get some more the next few days too. A white Christmas!

Got the tree all decorated and lit up after church Sunday. It's been three years since we've had a tree ourselves, so it was fun to decorate with the girls.  :) They were giddy with glee each time they hung an ornament. Laughing hysterically. It was lots of fun.

The finished tree with our basket of wrapped books underneath.
We are opening a winter/Christmas related book each night until Christmas.
(Pinterest idea of course) The girls love it! And it has been helpful in filling
up the time needed for Kylie's Book It program. :)


Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Thanksgiving '14

I'll start with last Sunday. The girls took a bath and moments before bed, Kylie threw up. Ew. We put her to bed and she got up around 3 to have some water and threw up half an hour later. She stayed home from school last Monday. She had school Tuesday and a half day Wednesday, and then my parents got here Wednesday afternoon. We had a fun filled night and turkey day, and then Kylie threw up after thanksgiving dinner. Sigh. I'm pretty sure it's a bug, but it's also odd that each time she threw up she had just had black olives... must be a coincidence.

We spent Friday just hanging out. Sidney spent a lot of the day cuddled up saying her tummy hurt. Thankfully that was the extent of her bout with the bug. We did go to the Holiday Lights parade Friday night since Mike was on BLM engine. Saturday was a quiet morning and then my parents had to leave for home around mid day. We decided to spend the afternoon then driving around looking for elk. Didn't find any, but we did get Sidney a 3 hour nap!

Saturday I went to bed just after 8. I was exhausted. Sunday both Mike and I woke up not feeling 100%, but we sucked it up and went to church because we were lighting the first advent candle that day. After lunch, I spent the rest of the day lying on the couch. Exhausted and just sick feeling. I was fine by Monday morning though. Mike on the other hand was down for the count and stayed home sick Monday. This morning, Sidney is back to not feeling fabulously. Hopefully it passes quickly. Thankfully my parents didn't seem to catch anything to take back to MN.

Wasn't an overly exciting holiday, just hung out and my parents got some quality grandkid time in. Lots of games were played and lots of giggles were shared, mostly due to Sidney's crazy shenanigans.  :) sad it was a quick visit, but glad we got to visit.

Now we are starting to put out Christmas decorations and we are hoping to get a tree this weekend. Going to enjoy some crazy holiday fun and then look forward to Mike's parents coming out for a visit.

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and you are all healthier than us! :)

Photo & Video Overload For You:

Bedtime Snuggles

Color & Cut paper puzzles

Lego Towers
Playing Memory

Playing Chutes & Ladders

Playing with snow before the parade started

The BLM rigs

Reading with grandpa

A favorite pastime, getting hair done

More Memory

Reading with Grandma

Playing dress up
Dress up and Legos

Group Photo

And Mike and Kylie coming back to the car after a little hike.
Kylie was getting tired of just riding in the car looking, so Mike took her
for a little walk before it got dark and I stayed with a sleeping Sidney.
Well, I had more videos of Sidney dancing to upload, but apparently you aren't allowed to watch them because they have music playing in the background and it may be copyrighted.
Seriously? Wow.
Anyways. I hope you enjoyed those two videos anyways.
Try clicking the link to see if it takes you to youtube to watch it!