Friday, September 23, 2016

First day of school - 2016-2017 school year

First day of school for Kylie was August 17th. Since she started that day, we figured we might as well have Sidney start going to the CDC that day too.
The CDC is not the center for disease control..... :) It is the Child Development Center that is housed with in the Chadron State College. So she goes to the CSC CDC. It's a lot of c's.....

So, Sidney goes there Mon-Fri and Kylie goes to school. They have a free after school program  Mon-Thurs at the school that she goes to, and on Fridays Kylie heads over to the CDC with a bunch of other kids and hangs out there until I get off work to pick them both up.
It is working out so far.
Kylie is loving school, per usual. Really enjoys some of the new freedoms of 2nd getting to choose where you sit at lunch! :)
Sidney is liking the CDC. She hasn't really said otherwise. We had a few days where she would be crying before we even left the house because she didn't want to go, but she got over that. She still occasionally gets clingy at morning drop off, but she always has a great day.

Here are some pictures from the 1st day of school. (un-edited, because I am going to try to catch up on posts and not editing pictures saves a whole lot of time!)

Sidney refused to let me take a picture of her out front that morning....go figure.

Kylie getting dropped off at her school

Mike was able to come with to drop off the girls the first morning.
Walking Sidney into her school yard.

Fur Trade Days

Back in July the town of Chadron had their annual Fur Trade Days. It also happened to be the weekend my parents came to visit and to deliver us the truck we bought. We finally have 2 vehicles again!
A whole went on that weekend. Here is a whole lot of photos!

Stick horse races at the court house lawn

More games at the court house

Sitting and waiting for a certain presentation, they were entertaining people with a magic show....and of course my dad gets volunteered to do something. :)

Kylie in line for her presentation

The Museum of the Fur Trade, along with Taco Johns, held a coloring contest for the kids in K - 2 in the community. Kylie entered her coloring page......and won FIRST place in her grade!

Fur Trade Days Parade - Mike had his Soldier Creek Crew in the parade, and since Kylie was one of the winners, she got to ride in the Taco John's float & toss candy & taco tokens! :)

district fire engine

Soldier Creek Crew

Sidney's hand waving to daddy driving his crew rig

Kylie had a great time out there

 In the afternoon we headed out East of town to the Rendezvous site. We saw some of the authentic set ups/tents the fur traders used to use, saw a lot of things for sale or trade and we saw them shooting their guns.

Sidney tickling Mike with grass

The really long hill we had to climb back to the parking area

It really did in the little ones...

 We spent lots of time outside playing with water balloons that weekend as well!

And a Lot of time playing with a whole lot of legos that my parents brought us that used to be mine & my siblings..

And of course, cute cats. :)

We also spent some time weather watching.  Didn't get anything too exciting that weekend though.

It was a great weekend with my folks and as always, went by way to fast!