Wednesday, August 31, 2016

4th of July

We did a variety of things over the 4th of July weekend.

We went out and visited the Hudson Meng Bone Bed for the first time. That was pretty neat.
Did a little fishing, lit some tiny fireworks in the alley, and went to the Crawford parade. It was a nice weekend.


Bison bones!

Bison Pelt

Sidney compared to the 'back-in-the-day' bison

The girls making their own atalats

Kylie tossing hers

Sidney tossing hers

 Lighting stuff on the 3rd
Each girl wanted to help light something

Fabulous photo!

Crawford Parade
Really really hot and Sunny Crawford parade....

Note the little brown/red thing in the upper right next to the chairs...
Kylie's boot was drying out because she wasn't paying attention and totally stepped
into the edge of the pond....thankfully she sat down and didn't fall in any farther!

more turtles!

tossing back a fish


 Finished off some smoke bombs and some snakes on the 4th.

It was a low key but nice family weekend and holiday.

SD Mini Vaca with my Aunt & Uncle

My Aunt and Uncle spend a week in Lead, SD every year and this year the girls and I went up and spent a couple of day getting spoiled by them. It was a nice visit with them since we hadn't seen each other in quite a few years!
We spent some time just hanging out, and we spent some time attempting to fish. And after we parted our ways, I took the girls to our obligatory stop at Reptile Gardens. :)
This was our trip the last few days of June.

We had some pretty interesting clouds on our way up to their place.

The view from the look out at their condo

The second day. The girls headed to the pontoon with great-aunt Sally. :)

The girls had the greatest time on the pontoon!

The geese and ducks must be fed a lot by people on the lake. As soon as we pulled into an area they swarmed the boat!

Trying to stay warm and snuggling with great-aunt Sally.

Each girl got to "drive" the boat for a little bit

Snuggling with me!

Playing cards

getting the fish out to release them....didn't catch enough to make it worth keeping the 3 keepers

Visit to Reptile Gardens

Finally got to get snow cones!

Had to check on the giant tortoises again.

We were finally able to catch a snake show!

Ad of course, we got to pet Fluffy again too.