Thursday, April 23, 2015

Sidney's Hair Cut

For a few weeks now I've been debating getting Sidney's hair cut.

It is just so thin, she barely has a part and has a weird little cowlick in the front. I pretty much either pull back into a pony or give her pig tails. And if I don't she looks like a crazy little homeless baby.

So I talked to Sidney about it and showed her pictures of Kylie getting her hair cut, and she was SO excited about it.

Well, she even ran up to the salon door she was so excited, and then she got inside. She froze. She wanted nothing to do with a hair cut. She wouldn't sit in the chair, wouldn't sit on my lap. I even asked her if she would just rather go home, and she said yes. :(

I was pretty bummed, but eventually the lady there suggested that maybe Sidney could just stand there while I hold her hands and Sidney was cool with that.

I discussed my hair concerns with the beautician, and she said, her daughter's hair is just like Sidney's. Cutting it shorter would help thicken it up and bring out more of the curl. So I told her to do whatever she wanted.

The pictures I have aren't the greatest since I was just a foot away from Sidney, but they will do. :)

After the haircut Sidney was all excited and thought it was so cool she asked if she can get her hair cut again tomorrow.

A "before" photo

She doesn't look very pleased does she?

The "after"
Can't tell much of a difference.
but you can tell in the back that it is shorter
and all the same length

This is how crazy cute & curly the
back was yesterday morning. :)

Well, hopefully her hair will cooperate with me for awhile. And she stops telling me that she needs a haircut too. :)

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Bubble Blowing

During a couple different days of warmth the girls have been enjoying the bubbles they got in their Easter baskets.
Sidney has been working really hard to be able to blow some bubbles and finally got the hang of it!
Her excitement is captured below. :)

Here is their cuteness.



Saturday, April 18, 2015

Easter Weekend ~ Part 2

On Saturday, we left for NE. We decided to go up and over the mountain since it would probably be our last chance to do that all together.

It wasn't too bad. The lake was frozen and there wasn't much traffic. Only got down into the teens at the coldest spot. Only wildlife we saw though was one single turkey. :)
We were almost down the mountain when I swear I saw a bear, so we turned around to check it out. Turns out, it was a yak. How have I never known there was a yak farm on the mountain? According to Mike, there is a whole herd of them, and he has seen them multiple times......sigh. I was quite disappointed.

One of the two yaks we saw. The first one I saw was farther away and looked much more like a bear...... :)

It's a good thing we turned around and pulled over though, because Kylie needed to step out for a minute and get some fresh air. She wasn't feeling very good and was looking a little pale. :(
My pale looking baby. :(
She perked right back up though, especially once we stopped in Buffalo and got snack and drink. :)

A mountain view
More snowy mountains
After Buffalo we got on I-80 and headed south. Which shortly afterwards, I caught a quick view of some antelope chasing a fox! It was awesome. There was a ridiculous amount of antelope between Buffalo and Casper!
Eventually we made it to Chadron and got to the hotel. Then Mike's parents, brother and nephew got there and we got to hang out. We spent a lot of time at the pool, and showing them around town and just hanging out. It was nice to have a low key holiday. I'm pretty sure it was our first holiday with out eating a home cooked meal though. That part felt kinda weird. :)
Here are just random pictures from our time in Chadron. :)
This is the look I get when I tell her it is time to get out and go back to the room.
Sleeping hard
Grandma Carol bought the girls Elsa dresses that light up and sing.
The girls LOVED them. And still wear them regularly.
When we got home from our trip, they both put on their dresses and asked to watch Frozen. :)

The look Sidney gave me when I asked her if the Easter Bunny hid their baskets in our room.

She found it easy peasy.

Kylie had to look a little harder, but eventually found it
behind the fridge. :)


 We went to Easter brunch at the Country Kitchen next to the hotel. And Sidney did her usual.....I want to eat a lemon......Twice. :)

Just before lunch we had drove south of town to show everyone the Job Corp Center that Mike will be working with. We also stopped at a campground to let the girls run around and discover that the Easter Bunny also left some eggs there for the girls to find. 

Some pool fun

convinced Sidney to float alone.

The boys loved the girls' pool noodles

Also taught Sidney to jump in the pool. If only I could get Kylie to do it.
(hopefully Kylie will learn lots when she starts swim lessons through school on Thursday!)
 It was a quick weekend with family since they all had to leave Monday morning. Mike started his job at the Forest Service on Monday, so it was just us three girls hanging out in town. We checked out one of the local parks and spent some time playing there.
They had an exceptionally tall twirly slide.

And a super fast tunnel slide.

This was their favorite. :)

It was a good trip. But sadly, Tuesday morning came around and the girls and I had to head back to Worland and leave Mike in Chadron. Sigh.
It's been about a week and a half, and the girls and I are surviving. :) Mike has been crazy busy this whole last week taking a class and teaching classes.
In house news, I never realized before how difficult it is to be an adult until you want to purchase a home. It's been a pain, but I think everything is finally in line for us to purchase a cute little home in Chadron. (knock on wood)

In other positive news, they found enough coaches for spring soccer, so Kylie started soccer this past week!
She has had two practices, and will have one more on Tuesday, before her first game next Thursday.
I might have been more excited than she was. Finally have something to do to keep us all busy! :)
She has a pretty serious coach this year. They run real drills and play mini games and just run during practice. each practice has been 45 min. The games are two 15 min halves. So I think she will have them ready. I think there are only a couple of kids on her team that played last year, so she started the first practice by teaching lots of kids that they can't pick up the ball! :)
I'm hoping to get some videos uploaded from egg dying/hunting, basket hunting sometime this next week. (I hope.)
I also have another post planned......just got to write it, so hopefully I will have another post next week too. :)
Hope things are well with everyone!