Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Valentines Day Weekend

Be fore warned.....LOTS of pictures and a long post!

Valentine's Day was pretty low key around here. Kylie had Joy School that day so we made some valentines for each of the Joy School kids and we did their siblings too. She had fun helping make them and then playing with and eating all the leftovers. :)

The boys got cards that said "I am Wheely glad we are friends." and a hot wheel.
(thank you pinterest!!)
The girls got 2 sheets of stickers and a little home made sheet that says "Hey Valentine, Let's stick together!"

They also each got two pink heart shaped rice crispies.
I also weaved together some paper baskets and filled them with treats for Mike, Kylie and Sidney.
I enjoyed the butterfinger hearts I put in them!
Since it was a three day weekend we decided to run up to Cody on Saturday. After what turned out to be a long few hours in the Buffalo Bill Center of the West, we decided to get a room and stay the night in Cody.
We stayed at the Best Western Ivy....something. It may seriously be the nicest hotel I have ever stayed at. Ever. They had the nicest pack n plays I have ever seen at a hotel, the most amazing bed, a walk in rock lined shower, a keurig and some of the nicest staff I've ever experienced at a hotel. The two guys at the front desk that night went way out of their way to get us a safety pin. And then when they finally found one, they brought it to me at the pool. was a great hotel!
We spent a good 3.5 hours in the Buffalo Bill center and we still didn't see everything. It is a great center and there was awesome hands on stuff for the girls and some great exhibits. If you guys ever go through Cody, I would recommend checking it out!
Here are a bunch of pictures from our visit to the center.

 The trip started with us pulling over on the side of the road not even half way into the drive because little miss Sidney decided to throw up her breakfast. Sigh. This was the fourth maybe fifth time she has thrown up shortly into a drive. She then feels perfectly fine. We are under the impression that she is going to be a carsick girly. We decided to turn her car seat around and have her face forward already. She seems to be cool with it, and she managed to not throw up the rest of the way to Cody or on the way home. :) This is her napping after we turned her forward on the way to Cody.
One of the first exhibits is this group of bison. I just thought
they were cool. :)

Kylie was so excited about the saddles that were meant for
kids to sit on and try out!

Sidney wouldn't come any closer to us, she was
downright terrified of.......

This guy. She thought he was real and wanted
nothing to do with him. :)
A cool moose mount.

More saddle riding. :)

When Sidney first came to these in-floor exhibits she sat down and tried to crawl
down the "step" she saw. It was pretty hilarious. :)
She also came across a movie of a pow-wow and she got so excited and started dancing along with them. It was soo cute and as soon as I went to record it, she stopped. :)

I have never seen a walrus mount and
I just thought this was fabulous. :)

That is a big o bear!
The girls thought it was soo fun to share their water.
At the end of our museum fun, there was a bird show.
Normally, they have 5 or 6 birds, but on the weekend they only
had 2 birds. This vulture.

And this owl. :)

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Outside beauty and a sick little lady

We had one of those mornings the other day that everything is frosted and sparkly and beautiful when you wake up. I love those mornings. And I love that we have tons of trees around our house to look at.

Here are some camera and phone pictures.


It was SO foggy for a little while too

Kylie woke up Friday morning with a lot of morning eye crusties, and after washing them off we didn't think much about them because she looked and felt fine. She went to Joy School and after lunch we talked her into taking a nap. Once she woke up we could tell something was wrong. Her eye was all watery and red and she had a weird red patch across her cheek. We called the clinic but they were sadly booked for the rest of the afternoon, but thankfully there is a walk-in clinic in town. (which I didn't know existed until that day)
So I ran Kylie to town and got her checked out. Turns out she definitely got pink eye. And for some reason it gave her a weird reaction and gave her a rash on her cheek. We got there in time to get a prescription sent to the pharmacy before they closed. We picked up the cream for her eye and headed home. We gave her a dose in her eye that night and by the next morning, she had it in both eyes. Which Dr. Debi told us was going to happen. So she has been getting her medicine in both eyes three times a day and she is already looking better.
We still didn't go to church today though, she still looks gross and has goopy eyes and both girls are coughing up a storm. I didn't think it would be a good idea to have them around a lot of older folks. :)
Here are a couple pics of her eyes. Despite her looks, she is still her energetic little self!
Friday night - just the right eye
Saturday - both eyes

Sunday - still watery, but getting better....
She was in her chef garb cooking some treats for us this morning.
She has about 4 more days of cream and hopefully she will be over the pink eye deal. Here's to hoping that none of us catch it!!!
Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday and enjoy the football game!!

16 Months

I say this every month...but I still can't believe how fast time is going. I'm 28, Kylie is a month shy of 4.5, Sidney is 16 months and Mike is going to be 29 next week. I just sit back some days and wonder where has all the time gone. And then I realize that I am actually Only 28 and there is sooo much life ahead of me.
But anyways...this is about Sidney being 16 months!

She gave me a birthday present herself and finally started calling me "mama" a few days ago. I LOVE it. She will randomly yell it across the house, and if I call "Sidney" back to her, she will start giggling.

She has started signing "dog" and has started saying "all done", "yum yum", "baby", "no" and can kind of say "mine". She is turning into such a big girl. Watching her play with all the bigger kids at playgroup is so much fun. She is finally starting to run across the gym chasing them. It is quite funny watching her run. I can't wait until this summer when we start meeting at the park. I can already see that she is going to be full of energy and be quite adventurous running around.

She has also started to really enthusiastically give hugs. She loves just randomly coming up to Mike, Kylie or I and giving us great big hugs. It just melts my heart.

She weighed in at 21 pounds. Down a pound from last month, but she is so crazy active. She is up to 31 and 3/4 inches though. So getting taller!
She still has no more new teeth. Just the top front 4, the front bottom 2 and then all 4 first year molars. I know it is good for them the longer it takes for their teeth to show up, but she looks so funny compared to all the other little toddlers her age that we see at library. I know she will get them eventually though.

Here are a couple pictures of Sidney
Showing us her love of books.

walking in princess shoes

practicing her turn around look for her runway walking
And here is a random video of her playing in the kitchen

Another year, come and gone

Well, I'm 28 now. The good news is that I still feel like I'm only 24 or so. :)

Mike, the girls and I celebrated my birthday Sunday night with a big yummy dinner and cake and cupcakes. He had to leave early Monday morning for a class down in Riverton. He will be back on Friday.

Kylie decided how they were all decorated
The extent of my decorating for my cake :)
Monday was pretty low key. We were suppose to go to a friends house just for a lunch and so our girls could play together, but shortly after I got there the rest of our joy school families arrived as well. Turns out Cami planned a little impromptu party for me/play date for the kids. She also made a whole bunch of cupcakes for the kids to decorate. She also put a candle in one, had everyone sing happy birthday, and made me blow it out. It was very nice.

the kids making their crescent hotdog lunch

decorating cupcakes

Only half the group of kids singing happy birthday.
(my bad aiming missed the other half!)

After lunch we went and dropped off a couple of cupcakes for some friends and then we came home and enjoyed the rest of the day just hanging out.

The plus side of having a big dinner Sunday night was that I didn't have to cook Monday night and there were delicious leftovers to eat! After supper we popped some popcorn and snacked on that. Afterwards Kylie thought it would be a good idea if her and I slept out in the living room. :) So we did.

Sleep out fun

Over all it was a good birthday, and I was glad I got to spend it with my girls and some lovely friends. :)

And a random blurry phone pic of Sidney running around in
a pair of my dress shoes. She did quite well actually, and
was having sooo much fun. :)