Friday, May 31, 2013

8 Months

Another month has gone by. Sidney is now 8 months old.

She can now sit up by herself, pull herself up, roll over both ways and crawl like a speedy little turtle. :)

She still only has two teeth that are still working their way all the way up. I am getting very curious as to when those are going to come all the way through.

She has figured out that she can move around in her crib and she can be found in an array of positions these days. I have forgotten what it is like to be that flexible! :)

She loves to smile and talk and has developed a sort of small grunt way of speaking these days. She is still super shy around other people and still has a VERY strong preference for me. Mike and I were joking the other day it is because she spent an extra 3 days inside and that has caused her extreme attachment to me. :)

I had to take her in to the clinic two days ago because she had spent the previous 3 nights not sleeping and all day Monday tugging on her ear. She had a slight ear infection. After just one day of antibiotics, she slept like a champ Tuesday night. It was fabulous. :)

Her weight on Tuesday was 16lbs 5 oz. She is now between 27.25 and 27.5 inches. So she is definitely starting to lean out and have more of a build like Kylie. She is the same weight Kylie was at 8 months, but just a smidge taller.

Here are some 8 month pictures from our little photo shoot yesterday. - as evidence of the following pictures, she does not sit still very much anymore! :)

The only photo of her sitting still
Coming to get me




Got me!
I love that her mouth is open all the way across the living room. She then proceeded to crawl over me to get to her blue chair and play with it. :) - (you can also tell in the last picture that her teeth aren't even through enough to really see!)


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The end of library hour

Today was the last day of library hour for the preschool age kids. School is out this week, so the summer reading program starts for the older kids next week.

Here are a few pics from Kylie the last couple of weeks.

Ring around the Rosy

Getting stopped by Ms. Lois
Kylie got a little excited and over shot her spot during
duck duck goose. :)
Todays story hour - a few more kids - listening to a story

Another bout of Ring around the Rosy

And a random picture of Sidney from today!
Hope you are all having a good week!! 

Sidney's crawling Video

Here is a short video of Sidney crawling. It was the best I could get last week.

The background noise is Mike reading a Scooby Doo book to Kylie. :)

I can't figure out why I can't just put the video here like I have in the past. Here is the link though so that you can watch it.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Sidney's Busy Week

Sidney has been very busy this week already.

She started crawling on Sunday evening! I of course missed the first crawl, (I ran to town for a min) but she has been crawling ever since!

Mike was so nice and tried to video tape her first crawl, but I forgot to put the memory card back into the camera after uploading pictures and he didn't know where I had put it! :)

Sidney has now proved that she is good at crawling because today she spent a little bit of time crawling all over the kitchen. I don't think anything is safe on my bottom food storage shelf anymore. Same goes for all the board games in the living room. Time to reorganize!

On Monday morning, Sidney also figured out how to finally sit up all by herself! She went from lying on her back to sitting up. She had a "pretty proud of herself" look on her face after she that! :)
She has done it a few times since then, and I found her sitting up in her crib this evening after she took a short nap. Time to lower that mattress!

This past weekend her second tooth also broke through! So now she has her two bottom teeth. Even though the first one is still barely up.

So she got her first tooth about a week later than Kylie got her first tooth and she crawled a week sooner than Kylie did. But they were both crawling before 8 months.

Sidney pulls her self up on everything now and I think I saw her take a couple steps along the couch. Or she could have just been reaching - I'm not sure!
I think she will be walking before Kylie did though. That girl wants so badly to be moving!

I am hoping to have a chance to catch her on video this week to share with you soon!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

A Mountain Drive

Yesterday we spent a majority of the day just driving around. We all needed to get out of the house for awhile so we decided to go see some area that I haven't seen yet, and that Mike may be perusing this fall for some elk/deer hunting.

We stopped at a small little campground and had lunch. We then discovered that they had a couple of hiking trails out of the campground and decided that we will have to return to this place sometime this summer for a weekend. Definitely looking forward to that.

We then took off on a long upward drive. I'm pretty sure that what we were on isn't technically a mountain, but we got up to 7,650 feet above sea level.

Kylie didn't really appreciate much of the afternoon when we were driving, unless we stepped out for a few minutes to check something out. Sidney didn't mind; she slept for the whole afternoon!

We got to throw a couple of snowballs and see a moose via our binoculars and the super zoom of my camera. It was a pretty low key drive, but it was nice to see some new views and to get some fresh air.

Here are a bunch of pictures from our drive. :)

Kylie wandering around eating her sandwich at the campground stop


pretty rocks


snow at about 7600 feet, there was snow at 7400 feet too

Mike scanning the land for animal life :)

Kylie and the snow. She was pretty excited about it.

(laying down in the shade in the
middle of the picture)

A really really old homestead

That homestead is across the canyon from here
It was a good way to waste some of the day.
 It is raining and windy and just down right gloomy here today. We will probably be spending the day inside hanging out.
Hope your day is warmer and sunnier than ours!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Fishing at the Pond

Yesterday we took Kylie fishing at the local pond. She has been asking for a week now to go. We were finally able to take her out today. There is a pond by the airport that is stocked every now and then. It was just stocked in the last week or two, so there were plenty of little fish just waiting to get caught.
Thankfully, they all wanted some worm. Kylie was able to catch quite a few little guys during the short time we were there. Our outing was cut short due to quite a serious, albeit short, storm that came through. There was even tornado warnings for nearby towns.

Here are a LOT of pictures from our day.  I couldn't pick just a few...Kylie is too cute! :)


The first catch

Tossing it back
Trying a new spot

Another fish

And another fish


a couple of wind swept tree swallows

the incoming storm

trying her darnedest to get a worm on a hook

still working on getting that worm on



more storm coming in

just before we decided to head back home

on the way home

a whole looooot of dust blowing

Hope your weekend is going well!
We spent today driving around wasting time. You can probably expect a post about that tomorrow.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Ladybugs and A Sandbox

Kylie loves everything and anything to do with ladybugs for some reason. Thankfully we seem to have hoards of them in our yard. She enjoys it greatly!
To her surprise and delight, library hour this past Wednesday was all about ladybugs! There were a couple of stories about them and then they sang "5 little ladybugs jumping on the bed" and then the kids got to make a ladybug.
Here are a couple photos of her project.

gluing the head on

gluing on the spots
The final ladybug
Only getting a real smile by getting tickled by a friend
After library we went and bought some sand. Last fall we bought one of those turtle sandboxes from a local up-cycle site for our town. Kylie has been asking for sand ever since. We also picked up a couple of sandbox toys and we set up the sandbox in the afternoon. She was pretty excited. I also put Sidney in to see what she thought of the sand. She was a little confused and had to be stopped multiple times from eating the sand. :)
Here are a couple pics of the girls in their new sandbox.

so focused. :)


So happy to have made a sand castle

Gotta love the turtle eyes.... :)

Sidney's reaction to the sand. :)

Just before she tried to eat it.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Swinging video

Over Mother's Day weekend, Mike and Kylie spent some quality time on the swing.
Thought I would share a video of it.
I love Kylie's insane laughter, which was much louder Before I started taping. :)

For some reason, I can't get the video to upload to the post like my last videos. Here is the link to watch it on though.

Hope you can see it!

Random pics from past week

Here are some random pics from this past week.

I just find this picture to be fabulous.

Got the water table out!
Enjoying herself

Lookin at herself in a really tiny mirror

Kylie takin a break just about half way through a recent walk

all bundled up one cool night to watch Kylie roast marshmallows

What you looking at?

The girls and me on Mother's Day.

Enjoying some mashed potatoes!